• Natural Discovery Costa Rica is committed to achieve ecotourism´s main goal of discover, learn and educate using elements of nature but causing the minimal impact, but also find ways to do something in order to reverse the damage caused; in order to succeed with this plan the company will follow these processes:


    Encourage actions that contribute to the excellent working and commercial relationship with our suppliers and clients, always tolerating and respecting the differences in all aspects. Respect the Code of Conduct Follow the safety standards established in the Crisis Management Plan Promote and socialize labor practices that facilitate the work of all. Ask suppliers to participate in sustainability programs & practices


    Comply with the guidelines set by the management to aim a steady growth in the economy of the company.


    - Respect the guidelines related to specially assigned areas such parking, eating, smoking, etc.

  • - Be mindful regarding the flora, fauna and cultural heritage that are located in the area near the office facilities.

  • - Close the tap when you’re not using it.

  • - Dispose the sanitary waste in the assigned garbage.

  • - Do not contaminate sinks or toilets with toxic substances.

  • - Use of personal bottles of water that can be refilled.

  • - Report to the management any water leaks.

  • - Turn off the lights when not in use.

  • - Turn off the computer, printer and other electric devices once the office day is over.

  • - Report damaged or malfunctioning equipment.

  • - Separate and deposit the waste in the assigned containers.

  • - Apply the correct classification of waste.

  • - Recycle paper and avoid unnecessary printing.

  • - Promote communication through electronic media.

  • - Encourage purchasing of local products and handicrafts.

  • How to be a sustainable traveler while visiting a national park or any protected area:

    - Don’t feed wildlife.

  • - No smoking in protected areas. Look for the designated areas to smoke.

  • - Avoid trespassing into private property.

  • - Do not get involved in any sexual tourism and /or child abuse; report any of these activities immediately.

  • - Follow the indications and guidelines of the national parks and other protected areas.

  • - Do not take flora or fauna.

  • - Do not bring pets with you.

  • - Get information about the place you are going to visit, and revise the basic facts of it.

  • - Reduce the generation of waste, reuse and recycle and dispose it appropriately.

  • - Leave no evidence of your visit, reduce noise & do not leave trash

  • . Enjoy the culture of the place, respect it. Be kind to your locals.

  • Your decisions may create a positive or negative effects on the communities.